Gradecam Insevice

Gradecam Insevice

What is Gradecam? 

  • Gradecam is more than just a scantron replacement. It is more like a scantron upgrade. 


Why would i use Gradecam?

  • Gradecam allows you to grade your papers without having to wait to get to a scantron machine. 
  • Gradecam allows item analysis. You can tell how many kids missed each question and what answers they put. You can even analyse by standards to see which standards they're missing
  • Gradecam allows numerical answers. Students can bubble in their numerical answers (see the picture to the right and it will even allow for a range of answers to be considered correct.
  • Gradecam can grade by standards
  • Gradecam can share assignments across teachers so that a department could give a standard test
  • Students can login to the portal and see what they missed and the correct answers.
  • Automatically scan multiple versions.
  • Using Gradecam can save the school money. (each scantron form costs ~$0.14. So a class of 100 taking 20 tests a year costs $270.


How do i get to Gradecam?

  • Although Gradecam does have a webpage. We are asking you to use our clever portal. Follow the link below and click on 'login with active directory"
  • https://clever.com/in/parkviewbaptistschool
    • (Clever syncs data from our login server and renweb so that you can use your school credentials to login and find your classes already there with your students in those classes. It is updated every night so that it stays in sync as students add and drop)
    • As of now grades do NOT get synced back to renweb.


OK, I'm logged in. Now how do I use it?

  • Here's a fun Prezi. Start on "Creating Assignments"
  • Create an Assignment:
    • Once you login you should be at the 'assignments tab' automatically
    • Click "NEW" then "New Multiple-Question Assignment"
    • Give it a name, date, and number of questions.
    • You're now presented with the key. You can do that now, or later...
  • Make the Key
    • Click on the correct answers.
    • Select a question (or multiple)
      • Click edit
      • set the point value for each question.
      • click save


Print the Forms:


  • In the upper corner click 'forms'
  • This will open the 'form printing' dialog box (see to the right)
  • here you can choose to print
    • Generic forms where the student will have to bubble in their id number
    • class specific forms where their name and number is already there.
    • NOTE: we need 7 digits for ID's
  • Click GENERATE
  • Click "Download PDF" (You can also use png if you want to pate this into another word document)
  • A new window will open with your form(s) ready. Print that form to your printer.


Give your test

  • Gave students bubble in their id numbers (Unless you printed class specific forms)
    • Some students will not have all 7 digits. Have them enter it to the right. Leading zeros are not necessary.
    • Gave students take the test. (pen or pencil)
    • They can also right free-response answers as long as it's outside of the big black box

Score your test:

  • So your students have taken the test. Now it's time to score them
  • open gradecam through the clever portal (https://clever.com/in/parkviewbaptistschool
  • click on your assignment
  • With the Camera
    • you should see your camera turn on at the top left of the screen as gradecam attempts to find your forms.
      • If you don't see it OR if you see the wrong camera, then click on the gear icon
      • There you can select a different camera.
    • Hold the answer sheet so that the box of answers shows on the camera screen. Gradecam will find the box and grade the assignment for you.
  • With the Scanner
    • Alternately, you can also score with the scanner.
    • Use the xerox MFC and document feeder to scan all of your assignments and email to your self.
    • Open gradecam like before but now drag the scanned pdf file to the student list area.
  • Now you've scored your assignment

Get Reports on Your Assignment:

  • Log into gradecam using the clever portal.
  • Click on your assignment
  • Click on Reports
    • Score Graph: The first you will see is Score Graph. (a 10 point breakdown histogram)
    • Item analysis: This is where gradecam shines! Now you see how many got it right, but also what the wrong answers were.

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