Student Technology Profile - Luis Recinos

This is the first of a series of interviews and profiles on students using technology in interesting ways at Parkview Baptist School. Luis is a member of the class of 2017 at Parkview Baptist School. Luis was picked mostly because of his work with Blender, an animation program.  To see a sample of his work see the videos posted below. 

The Interview: 

PBS_Tech: Other than email how have you used the school’s technology (computer, websites, etc) in your education.

Luis:  Last year I took a computer science course. Through that I learned how to code html and some python. I was able to make a website for multiple school projects. I also work with a program called Blender, The program is a 3D animation tool that is used to make videos or pictures. Through it I’ve been able to gain a better understanding of 3D coordinates and geometry.

PBS_Tech: Are any of those methods only available on a ‘real computer’? (as opposed to an ipad, android, or other tablet)

Luis:The website might be doable through another type of device such as a tablet. To my knowledge, one can code html on any device. Now, when it comes to blender, I believe that a ‘real computer’ is necessary. The program requires a CPU (Central Processing Unit) that needs to be able to handle  heavy load. A GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) would be an even way to use animation programs. GPUs are designed to be able to handle these type of things. In short, Blender requires a real computer. 

PBS_Tech: Tell me how you created the animations that you’ve created.

Luis:  So the animations themselves take about 30-50 hours to make. My animations have ranged from 40 seconds to 1 ½ minutes. To make something clear, I’m not actually sitting in front of the computer during those 30+ hours. For the first 5-15 hours I’m actually brainstorming the following things: storyline, characters, set, props, and etc. Once I have those I start to draw the characters, props, and sets in order to have something I can look at while making those things. After making those drawings I get on blender and I start to make the objects in the program. Once I have the those three things, I begin to animate them according to the story I’m trying to tell. I sometimes animate different scenes and then put them together in a video editing program. Once the animations are rendered (put in a video format) I edit it and add voices, music, sound effects, & more. Those things come together to make what the viewer sees on screen. 

PBS_Tech: How will the technology you’ve already used be a part of your education?

Luis: Beyond here at Parkview, I’m thinking of going into computer animation as a path for my major. Being able to have some experience with Blender and other animation programs will help me be more successful at learning new programs that may be offered through these courses in college. 

PBS_Tech: What other technology do you expect to use in your chosen degree/career?

Luis: I’m positive that the other tool I will have to go more in depth with is coding. I have barely scratched the surface of coding so I’m sure I will encounter it again in the future. I’ve had the great privilege to interview some video game animators regarding the difference between video game animating and movie animating. They have told me that video game animators need to know how to code in order to have more success in their field. Knowing that, I can decide whether I would like to take on movie animations or video game animations. Taking the latter would mean learning how to code. 

PBS_Tech wishes Luis the very best in his bright future.