Our first blog post!

Our first blog post!

With the start of the 2016-2017 PBS School year, we have been extremely busy in the Tech Department to say the least. We are often hard at work solving issues that affect people campus wide so there is rarely a day that goes by that we aren't working on an issue that affects YOU personally. The problem is, we don't always know how to tell you about the big things that are going on around here without cluttering up your email inbox. That's why we've decided to go ahead and make a Blog on our new and improved Knowledge Base so we can post here as often or as little as necessary without being too overwhelming or in depth. The goal here is to keep you (students and faculty members) up to date on things that either just happened, things that we are working on, or even projects that we have coming up in the near future.

It may not always be formal (it is a Blog after all), it may not always tell you every minor detail, but we will try our best to keep it relevant to our biggest tasks/accomplishments so that it is short and sweet and helps cut back on duplicate Help Desk tickets. Fewer duplicate Help Desk tickets means we can solve your requests even faster!!



PBS Tech

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