Service Availability

Service Availability

If you're having a problem with a specific website or service, please check the links below to see if the service provider or website administrators have reported any outages, service interruptions, or scheduled maintenance before contacting the help desk for the fastest support.

Want to check a website not listed below?

You can always check the status of a website outage by going to isitdownrightnow.com and entering the website in the checkbox at the top of the page. For example, you could go to isitdownrightnow.com and type "Amazon.com" in the box near the top of the page and then click "Check." Please be aware though that any downtime or outages reported by isitdownrightnow.com are reported by the public and not by the actual service provider of the website you were checking. Most of the links down below are being reported directly from the service provider so they are going to be more accurate than isitdownrightnow.com.

Agilixbuzz.com (used by Flex)

Check Status Now

Respondus Lockdown Browser

(used in Schoology, Pearson, and some Dual Enrollment Classes)


Aristotle Filter and Borderless Classroom

AristotleK12 Status Page - Status

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