Reset your RenWeb password

Reset your RenWeb password

Use the directions in case you ever get locked out of your RenWeb account and you can't get logged back in.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Open up your web browser (Internet Explorer or Google Chrome) and go to the RenWeb website that you are trying to log into.

  2. On the Login Page, click the link that says "Forgot User Name/Password?"

  3. Type the requested information in the "Request Password Reset" dialog box as shown below

  4. Now click the "Reset" button and you should receive an email with a link inside of the email that you can open in order to reset your password.

  5. After you open the link in your email you should now see a website where you can finish the reset process by entering the information shown below

  6. If you entered all of the information correctly then you should see a green confirmation at the top left-hand corner of the page like the one shown below.

  7. Now you should be able to login to RenWeb with your new password.




Make sure the "District Code" is entered with all capital letters (PBS-LA) or else it won't work.

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