Autosave Word/Excel/Powerpoint.

Autosave Word/Excel/Powerpoint.

You’ve been typing on a word document and your computer died. Can you get the file back?

In the future please SAVE before you type. Then, autosave will be turned on and all you will have to do is open the file you’ve been working on.

But this time you didn’t.

  1. Office does save files every 10 minutes by default in a weird location. It doesn’t always work. But you can try it.

  2. Open a file navigation window (not internet browser)

  3. navigate to the folder
    Where “first.last” is your username on this computer.
    ”Word” is the name of the program you were working on (Word, Powerpoint, etc)

  4. Look for a file starting with ~ OR “AutoRecovery”
    For example

    1. “~WRA3759”

    2. ”AutoRecovery save of Document1”

    3. If you don’t see that, then try whatever file is in that folder.

  5. Open this file and hope for the best.