Sites that are blocked:

Sites that are blocked:

There are some obvious sites that we block that we won't bother mentioning here. However, there are some less obvious sites as well. This list includes them and the reason. In addition any site will include a note if we are working to be able to allow it.  If you  want to teach with a website and fear it may be blocked you can a) have a student test it for you or b) email helpdesk and we'll tec

  • Youtube.com
    • How much:
      • Partially: videos categorized as educational by youtube are automatically allowed. Videos/channels that teachers request can also be opened by emailing helpdesk. 
      • Some specific channels open are listed on this page
    • Why:
      • Students get distracted and we don't want inappropriate content. 
  • Sites.google.com 
    • How much:
      • completely for students.  Open for Teachers and above. 
    •  Why:
      • anyone can create any site they want on google sites. It is nearly impossible to keep up with them all
    • Is there hope of it being unblocked?
      • a glimmer yes. We are working to see if we can unblock specific sites on teacher request. 
  • Google docs:
    • How much:
      • completely for students, open for teachers
    •  Why:
      • anyone can share ANY document they want on google docs including inappropriate material or full-length movies. 
    • Is there hope of it being unblocked?
      • we currently have no plans to change this
    • Work around?
      • Any google doc can be saved as a Microsoft365 doc and shared through One-Drive or Teams
  • Vimeo:
    • How much:
      • Open for teachers. Completely blocked for students. 
    • Why:
      • We have no control over specific videos like we do with youtube. So everything on the site would be open. This would lead to open entertainment during school and inappropriate material. 
    • Is there a hope of it being unblocked:
      • extremely unlikely
    • Work around?
      • most  videos on vimeo are also on youtube, which we can unblock specific videos on. 
  • Padlet.com
    • How much:
      • open for teachers. Completely blocked for students. 
    •  Why:
      • Students were creating their own padlet and joining other students padlets from other schools and using it as a chat program. 
    • Hope to unblock?
      • unknown
    • Work around?
      • none known

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