How to become a Bus Driver

How to become a Bus Driver

As a bus driver for Parkview Baptist School, you are a vital participant in both teams and field trips. This is a great way to participate in the extracurricular programs at school and earn a little money while you're at it. 

Steps to become a PBS Bus Driver:

  1. Contact Martha Long 
    1. Let Mrs. Long know that you plan to work on getting a bus driving licence. Check with her to find out what costs the school will cover. 
  2. Get a Physical Exam 

    1. There are several places to have this done. Most of the time it can be completed at no cost to you or the school if you do it at your Primary Care Physician's office. 
  3. Take the written portion of the tests 

    1. Must be taken at the Main Office DMV (plan to spend 1-4 hrs at the Main Office DMV)

    2. CDL general

      1. Forms:

        1. 2270 LA CDL Driver's Manual R0510.pdf

      2. Advice

        1. Focus on one test at a time.

        2. Study a good bit, then go take the test. You are allowed to fail it multiple times. So, It's good to practice taking the test. 

    3. Bus Certification: Below you will find a copy of the bus certification information.

      1. 28v113.doc

  4. Take the Driving Test (consists of two parts):

    1. Pre-Trip Inspection: Below you will find a word for word guide to the pre-inspection. 

      1. Forms and information:

        1. ATT_1386867217989_Pre-Trip (word-for-word) (2).docx

      2. Advice:

        1. Get together with someone and walk through the pre-inspection several times. Make sure you say EVERYTHING on the list.

    2. Driving Test

      1. Advice:

        1. Keep both hands on the wheel at all times. 
        2. Stop COMPLETELY at stop signs. 

        3. Learn what you have to do at a train crossing and make sure to follow the protocol precisely. 

        4. Three checks before turning. Look Left, then Right, then Left again. 

        5. Turn OFF your phone so you are not distracted by it or tempted to check it.

        6. Practice backing up. They will have to backup several yards and probably around an obstacle. 

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