Eduzzle: How to and trouble

Eduzzle: How to and trouble

  • Internal Server Error:
    This can mean an issue with the Connection between Edpuzzle and Microsoft Teams
    Have your teachers try disconnecting, then reconnecting their Microsoft Teams accounts to resolve this error.
    Here are some instructions you can share with teachers for that process:

    1. Go to your profile by clicking on the circular icon in the top right-hand corner of your screen and then select your name from the menu that appears. Here’s a shortcut to get you there: Edpuzzle | Make Any Video Your Lesson

    2. Scroll down to your Connected Accounts.

    3. Click the “Disconnect” button next to your current connected Microsoft Teams account to remove it.

    4. Click the “Microsoft Teams” button that appears in the same place.

    5. Select the appropriate account in the pop-up window that appears.

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